We Helped a Lakewood, NJ Auto Accident Victim

We Helped a Lakewood, NJ Auto Accident Victim

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We helped ‘A M’, an Acci­dent Vic­tim
Date of Injury: 04/08/2017
Type of Acci­dent: Auto Acci­dent
Loca­tion of Injury: Wall, NJ
Descrip­tion of Acci­dent and Com­plaints: Pas­sen­ger in a truck; got rear-end­ed by a vehi­cle on GSP while chang­ing tires; went to Jer­sey Shore Hos­pi­tal on an ambu­lance; does not own a car.
Res­i­dence of Injured: Lake­wood, NJ
Gen­der of Injured: Male