Slip & Fall Accident Injuries

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Slip & Fall Injuries are com­pli­cat­ed.  And expe­ri­enced per­son­al injury attor­ney has to estab­lish the cause and the lia­bil­i­ty of the injury.  Many times, this required lit­i­ga­tion.  If there are exten­sive injuries, it may require expert wit­ness­es who will tes­ti­fy before jury as the the nature and cause of the acci­dent, the lia­bil­i­ty of the acci­dent and the loss due to the accident.
  • Some­times the prop­er­ty own­er is respon­si­ble for the acci­dent, and some­times he or she is not.
  • So a prop­er­ty own­er (or occu­pi­er) can­not always be held respon­si­ble for imme­di­ate­ly pick­ing up or clean­ing every slip­pery sub­stance on a floor.
  • Nor is a prop­er­ty own­er always respon­si­ble for some­one slip­ping or trip­ping on some­thing that an ordi­nary per­son should expect to find there or should see and avoid. re going.
  • While there is no pre­cise way to deter­mine when some­one else is legal­ly respon­si­ble for some­thing on which you slip or trip, cas­es turn on whether the prop­er­ty own­er act­ed care­ful­ly so that slip­ping or trip­ping was not like­ly to hap­pen — and whether you were care­less in not see­ing or avoid­ing the thing you fell on.
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