Chiropractor: Why is a Chiropractic Therapy Important After a Car Accident?

Chiropractor: Why is a Chiropractic Therapy Important After a Car Accident?

Read­ing Time: 4 min­utes

Why is Chi­ro­prac­tic Care Important
Why get­ting med­ical atten­tion right after after a car acci­dent is so important?

Neck Adjustment Video

Neck Adjustment

Raj was the dri­ver of the first car impact­ed. He pre­sent­ed with ter­ri­ble whiplash pain. Any move­ment to his neck was sig­nif­i­cant. After two adjust­ments to his neck he was 40% improved. This video shows how fast chi­ro­prac­tic can give a patient relief. He’s def­i­nite­ly not fixed but he sure was hap­py to feel sig­nif­i­cant improve­ment so he could move bet­ter and SLEEP. 

Upper Cervical Adjustment

For 16 years, Les suf­fered with low­er back pain result­ing from a car acci­dent. He tried tra­di­tion­al chi­ro­prac­tic, but was often uncom­fort­able with the meth­ods used. His life changed when he lat­er heard about upper cer­vi­cal chiropractic.

Upper Cervical Adjustment Video

Muscle Testing & Applied Kinesiology Video

Muscle Testing & Applied Kinesiology

Dr. Kuyk­endall about chi­ro­prac­tic and applied kine­si­ol­o­gy shows how you can use mus­cle test­ing and applied kine­si­ol­o­gy tech­niques to improve the func­tion of a per­sons body and mind. Dr. Kuyk­endall prac­tices func­tion­al med­i­cine that seeks to locate and address the cause of symp­toms to elim­i­nate them so you don’t have to take med­ica­tions to man­age them. Here is an alter­na­tive to phar­ma­ceu­ti­cal inter­ven­tions and inva­sive surgery for health and wellness. 

The Activator Method

Car­ol Grant, of the Grant Chi­ro­prac­tic Health Cen­ter, demon­strates a gen­tle chi­ro­prac­tic tech­nique called “The Acti­va­tor Method”. This method is ben­e­fi­cial for patients in acute pain as well as chil­dren and elder­ly patients.

The Activator Method Video

Graston and Active Release Techniques Video

Graston and Active Release Techniques

Dr. Duke of Duke Chi­ro­prac­tic per­form­ing a sam­ple treat­ment to the ham­string using Gras­ton and Active Release Techniques. 

Atlas Orthogonal Instrument

Demon­stra­tion of the treat­ment tech­nol­o­gy asso­ci­at­ed with Dr. Don­ald Liebell — the Atlas Orthog­o­nal Intrument.

Atlas Orthogonal Instrument Video

Diversified Technique Video

Diversified Technique

Diver­si­fied tech­nique (DT) is the most com­mon­ly used adjust­ment tech­nique by chi­ro­prac­tors. Diver­si­fied is con­sid­ered the most gener­ic chi­ro­prac­tic manip­u­la­tive tech­nique and is dif­fer­en­ti­at­ed from oth­er tech­niques in that its objec­tive is to restore prop­er move­ment and align­ment of spine and joint dysfunction 

Diversified Technique

Dur­ing auto acci­dents, it is not uncom­mon for a patient to hit the dash or the steer­ing wheel. Often times patients use their hand to brace them­selves on impact. The com­pres­sion that occurs in the hand is trans­ferred up to the shoul­der, cre­at­ing a shoul­der injury. That stress can cause micro-tears to the mus­cles (strains) and lig­a­ments (sprains) of in the supraspina­tus and infra­spina­tus. These tears can vary from com­plete (Grade III) to less than 25% (Grade I). They can cause swelling, inflam­ma­tion, and lead to bur­si­tis, pain, and even­tu­al­ly cause neck pain and headaches. Typ­i­cal treat­ment for these tears (shoul­der Injuries) includes the use of mus­cle stim­u­la­tion or ultra­sound to decrease the pain and increase the cir­cu­la­tion to that area. After that, a form of myofas­cial release is often used to break up the scar tis­sue that has formed. Com­mon forms of myofas­cial release includ­ing instru­ment assist­ed soft tis­sue mobi­liza­tion (IASTM), active release tech­nique (ART), Gras­ton tech­nique, and Func­tion­al and Kinet­ic Treat­ment with Reha­bil­i­ta­tion (FAKTR) technique.

Diversified Technique Video

Joint Manipulation Video

Joint Manipulation

Joint manip­u­la­tion is a type of pas­sive move­ment of a skele­tal joint. It is usu­al­ly aimed at one or more ‘tar­get’ syn­ovial joints with the aim of achiev­ing a ther­a­peu­tic effect. 

Motion Palpation & Joint Mobilization

Joint mobi­liza­tion is a man­u­al ther­a­py inter­ven­tion, a type of pas­sive move­ment of a skele­tal joint. It is usu­al­ly aimed at a ‘tar­get’ syn­ovial joint with the aim of achiev­ing a ther­a­peu­tic effect.

Motion Palpation & Joint Mobilization Video

Manipulation under Anesthesia (MUA) Video

Manipulation under Anesthesia (MUA)

Manip­u­la­tion Under Anes­the­sia (MUA) is mul­ti­dis­ci­pli­nary man­u­al ther­a­py treat­ment sys­tem which is used to improve artic­u­lar and soft tis­sue move­ment using specif­i­cal­ly con­trolled release, myofas­cial manip­u­la­tion, and mobi­liza­tion tech­niques while the patient is under mod­er­ate to deep IV seda­tion using mon­i­tor­ized anes­the­sia care (MAC).  

Standard Chiropractic Spinal Adjustment Video

Standard Chiropractic Spinal Adjustment

The Inter­na­tion­al Chi­ro­prac­tor’s Asso­ci­a­tion (ICA) states that the “chi­ro­prac­tic spinal adjust­ment is unique and sin­gu­lar to the chi­ro­prac­tic pro­fes­sion”, and that it “is char­ac­ter­ized by a spe­cif­ic thrust applied to the ver­te­bra uti­liz­ing parts of the ver­te­bra and con­tigu­ous struc­tures as levers to direc­tion­al­ly cor­rect artic­u­lar malposition. 

The NUCCA Protocol

The NUCCA pro­to­col con­sists of sev­er­al steps: deter­min­ing whether or not atlas sub­lux­a­tion com­plex (ASC) is present, tak­ing pre­cise x‑ray films of the upper cer­vi­cal spine in 3‑D, x‑rays analy­sis, the adjust­ment and post-x-rays.

NUCCA Chiropractic Video

Mobilization of Lower and Upper Thoracic Spine Video

Spinal mobi­liza­tion is a type of pas­sive move­ment of a spinal seg­ment or region. It is usu­al­ly per­formed with the aim of achiev­ing a ther­a­peu­tic effect.  Mobi­liza­tion of low­er and upper tho­racic spine with patient in prone position.

Mobilization of Lower and Upper Thoracic Spine Video

Trigenics Video


Tri­gen­ics is most com­mon­ly used to treat mus­cu­lar imbal­ances that may be either the cause or the result of injury or dis­ease. Mus­cle strength and length test­ing is used to assess the entire body. Accord­ing to the Tri­gen­ics Man­u­al, con­traindi­ca­tions to treat­ment include: nerve lesions, unex­plained severe calf pain, open sores or skin lesions, severe bruis­ing, frac­tured bone, acute sys­temic flare-ups (RA, dia­bet­ic shock), direct treat­ment over both carotid arter­ies, tis­sues sub­ject to high­ly exag­ger­at­ed pain on pal­pa­tion, dis­lo­cat­ed shoul­der that has not been reduced.

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