Occupational Therapist: Why do I need Occupational Therapy after a Car Accident?

Occupational Therapist: Why do I need Occupational Therapy after a Car Accident?

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Why do I need Occupational Therapy after a Car Accident?Why getting medical attention right after after a car accident is so import?

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Occupational Therapy in Home Modification Video

Occupational Therapy in Home Modification

AARP video of the role of OT in Home Modification

Free Evaluation of Your Case by an Experienced Car Accident Attorney

Sin­gle Line Text : Field ID 1Your Zip Code*Enter Zip Code of your residence.Page Break : Field ID 2  end of pagePAGE BREAK­top of new pageCheck­box­es : Field ID 6At the Scene of Acci­dent, You .…*After the acci­dent, tell us all the steps you took? (Select all that apply.)Called PoliceWent to Emer­gency Room­Sec­tion Break : Field ID 15

Drop Down : Field ID 14Acci­dent Hap­pened­How long ago the acci­dent happened?Less than 1 Year ago­More than 1 Year ago­More than 2 Year agoPage Break : Field ID 7  end of pagePAGE BREAK­top of new pagePara­graph Text : Field ID 13Any oth­er infor­ma­tion you want to tell us about the accident?*Give as much detail as possible.Page Break : Field ID 9  end of pagePAGE BREAK­top of new page­Name : Field ID 10Name*FirstLastPhone : Field ID 11Phone*Email : Field ID 12EmailEn­ter Email­Con­firm Email

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