How can a Neurologist Help Me after a Car Accident?Why getting medical attention right after after a car accident is so import?
How can a Neurologist Help Me after a Car Accident?
Why getting medical attention right after after a car accident is so import?
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How can a Neurologist Help You after a Auto Accident Video?
How can a Neurologist Help You after a Auto Accident?
A Neurologist may based on your history, symptoms, a physical examination and the results of diagnostic studies suggest ways to treat your accident related symptoms.
Some patients may be treated conservatively and then undergo imaging studies if medication and physical therapy are ineffective. These tests may include:
- Computed Tomography Scan (CT or CAT scan)
- Discography
- Electromyography (EMG)
- Nerve Conduction Studies (NCS)
- Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI)
- Myleogram
- Selective Nerve Root Block
- X‑rays
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