How Can Acupuncture Help You? Why getting medical attention right after after a car accident is so import?
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Healing After a Car Accident with Acupuncture Video
Healing After a Car Accident with Acupuncture
Virtually all of us have been involved in motor vehicle accidents. There are many different kinds of injuries that occur with motor vehicle accidents, and acupuncture can address any of those injuries because acupuncture is phenomenal for treating pain and helping the body heal. In essence, what happens is the acupuncture needles will trigger a healing response for the body. Sometimes, and this is counter-intuitive, the needles don’t go exactly where the pain is. For example, if the person suffered from a rib injury or a rib fracture, then we wouldn’t necessarily put the needle right where the rib injury is. There are other analogous locations to help energy flow occur, and when we increase the energy flow to the area, we increase the healing.