Injured Due to An Accident ?

Personal Injury Protection provides Coverage under a Standard Policy of up to $250,000.00!

Read­ing Time: 3 min­utes

New Jersey is a no fault state

This means, your med­ical bills can be paid under any of the fol­low­ing scenarios:

  • Your own auto­mo­bile insur­ance com­pa­ny will pay.
  • You could be a “res­i­dent rel­a­tive”.
  • Your own med­ical insur­ance can pay.
  • You may be eli­gi­ble through car own­er’s policy.

Personal Injury Protection Benefits

Per­son­al Injury Pro­tec­tion pro­vides cov­er­age under a stan­dard pol­i­cy of up to $250,000.00.  These ben­e­fits include:

  • Rea­son­able and Nec­es­sary Med­ical expens­es such as hos­pi­tal, sur­gi­cal, nurs­ing, den­tal, ambu­lance and x‑ray services.
  • Nec­es­sary med­ica­tions, med­ical sup­plies and pros­thet­ic devices may also be covered.
  • Loss of essen­tial ser­vices (dis­abil­i­ty or replace­ment services).
  • Child care expenses.
  • Loss of income.
  • Funer­al expenses.
  • Survivor’s loss.

What does no fault mean?

New Jer­sey offers Per­son­al injury pro­tec­tion with “no-fault” cov­er­age.  This means that regard­less of which dri­ver was at fault, some of the med­ical expens­es for the pol­i­cy­hold­er and oth­ers in the policyholder’s car may be cov­ered by insur­ance.  In most case, your attor­ney will be able to guide you on which spe­cif­ic pro­vi­sion or pro­vi­sions applies in your case.

Free Evaluation of Your Case by an Experienced Car Accident Attorney

  • Sin­gle Line Text : Field ID 1Your Zip Code*Enter Zip Code of your residence.
  • Page Break : Field ID 2  end of pagePAGE BREAK­top of new page
  • Check­box­es : Field ID 6At the Scene of Acci­dent, You .…*After the acci­dent, tell us all the steps you took? (Select all that apply.)
    • Called Police
    • Went to Emer­gency Room
  • Sec­tion Break : Field ID 15
  • Drop Down : Field ID 14Acci­dent Hap­pened­How long ago the acci­dent hap­pened?
    Less than 1 Year ago
    More than 1 Year ago
    More than 2 Year ago
  • Page Break : Field ID 7  end of pagePAGE BREAK­top of new page
  • Para­graph Text : Field ID 13Any oth­er infor­ma­tion you want to tell us about the accident?*Give as much detail as possible.
  • Page Break : Field ID 9  end of pagePAGE BREAK­top of new page
  • Name : Field ID 10Name*FirstLast
  • Phone : Field ID 11Phone*
  • Email : Field ID 12EmailEn­ter Email­Con­firm Email

Injured? We Can Help!

Are you some­one who has been injured due to neg­li­gence of some­one else’s fault?  It is impor­tant that you under­stand New Jer­sey laws to make a prop­er and full claim for your injuries, pain and suf­fer­ing and prop­er­ty damage.

What if I Cannot Afford a Lawyer?

All the lawyers in our refer­ral pro­gram work on con­tin­gency fee basis.  This means, that the lawyer only gets paid if they recov­er mon­ey for you from the insur­ance company.

Each Case is Different!

Your case may be impact­ed by “seri­ous injury” thresh­old or the tra­di­tion­al insur­ance cov­er­age for the health­care.  Anoth­er fac­tor that may impact your case can be the New Jer­sey’s “mod­i­fied com­par­a­tive fault” rules.  Statute of lim­i­ta­tions can restrict the fil­ing of your claims and recov­ery. Sim­ply put, each acci­dent, each claim, each injury is unique to it’s set of cir­cum­stances.  And all of these fac­tors impact your ulti­mate med­ical and legal recovery.

Under­stand­ing all these issues and nav­i­gat­ing can be dif­fi­cult for an aver­age person.

Final­ly, get­ting time­ly advice from an expe­ri­enced per­son­al injury attor­ney can make dif­fer­ence in the ulti­mate recov­ery of your claim.

New Jersey Attorney Locator For New Jersey Residents!

We are New Jersey Strong!

You could say, no one knows New Jer­sey bet­ter than us!  We will work hard to earn your con­fi­dence and your referrals.

Why is this important?

Because, you should not expect any­one who does not know New Jer­sey to be able to find you the right legal attor­ney and right right doctor.

We Know NJ Laws!

Because we live in NJ just like you, we under­stand and know the dif­fer­ence between State and Local traf­fic laws and will be able to guide you through the process of bet­ter health and recov­ery of your damages.

Your Success

We will work hard to find you right kind of attor­ney for your injury and in your local area! And if for some rea­son, after we have done our best and it is not good enough, we will work even hard­er to sat­is­fy your needs.  Our goal is to com­mu­ni­cate with you often.  Lis­ten to your expectations.

We Value Your Inquiry

We are a Prince­ton, New Jer­sey based free Attor­ney Loca­tor for indi­vid­u­als search­ing for a Per­son­al Injury Attor­ney locat­ed in New Jersey.

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